Our 2nd & 3rd graders were all very poised and represented our school so well at our First Lego League Explore event. So proud of them!
Several more parents reached out to share their creative hobbies/interests!
Thank you to Zachary’s mom for coming to our class to speak to us about her creative interest- pediatric emergency medicine. She brought special tools for the students to try out—stethoscopes, thermometers, and flashlights. She became interested in becoming a doctor when her father, who was a doctor, performed CPR on her sister during an emergency. We really enjoyed learning about her creative interest! We've had a couple more parents reach out about their interests. Stay tuned!
Students are presently learning coding skills with the Scratch interface. Scratch (created by M.I.T.) is the world's largest coding community for children. It uses visual block-based programming to create games, stories, animations, and even lessons.
Students are creating a game that others can play. Students are welcome to access their Scratch accounts during the break to work on their own for a bit if they wish!
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