Friday, October 7, 2022

Idea Lab Update: 3rd Grade

We welcomed some new members to Idea Lab this year! It was wonderful to meet our new teammates.  In order to get to know each other a little better, we each designed a mini Lego Bot Prototype that is like ourselves and different than ourselves in many ways.  

We introduced ourselves to our new teammates by presenting our Lego Bots. We explained the similarities and differences between our Bots and ourselves.

There has been a change in the order of our units this semester.  We are taking a pause from our LEGOS for a little while to explore the continent of South America.  In our continent study, we will explore these essential questions: 

Why is it important to the global community to protect the rainforests?

How do we balance the use of resources from the rainforest with the importance of maintaining biodiversity and a flourishing rainforest ecosystem?

How can we protect natural habitats?

We learned a little bit about the continent of South America first before exploring these essential questions and focusing on the rainforest ecosystem.  
Each student used their creativity to create a country collage about a country in South America that they there were interested in learning more about.  

Students will also learn about the physical and political features of South America.  

Students learned about the incredibly rich ecosystem: the Amazon Rainforest that stretches across 9 countries in South America.  Students learned about the many plant and animal species in the rainforest, and the important role it plays in limiting climate change.

*We will pick up our FIRST Lego League unit, SUPERPOWERED, in the second quarter of school as our competition has been scheduled for early February and will take place at Reed Elementary.


Idea Lab Update: 4th Grade

 We dove right into our LEGOs this school year! 

We received an amazing grant from the Ladue Education Foundation to purchase the latest and greatest First Lego League materials:  Lego Spike Prime!  
The elementary gifted specialists in the district wrote the grant last school year.  The LEF approved the grant and all of our materials  arrived in August!  Thank you to all who donate to the LEF.  We LOVE the new robotics kits!

This year's theme is SUPERPOWERED.  We have a few goals to achieve before our First Lego League competition on
Saturday, December 3rd from 8:30-12:30.  
(Save the date!)  

1. Learn about the new LEGO robotics tools and programming.  
2. Build & complete 3 missions of the Robot Game.
3. Create an Innovation Project that either improves an existing energy source or creates a new energy source that does not exist.
4. Create a display board and develop an oral presentation related to our Innovation Project that involves all members of our team.

Some of the mission builds were very tricky!  We have a Westminster High School student, Mr. Blake, who is planning to be an engineering major in college.  He is receiving senior service hours by volunteering in Idea Lab!  We are so glad to have him.  

We will also be judged on the First Lego League Core Values: 

Click the links below to see LEGO Robotics in action.  We will try to include various video links in each update.  


Idea Lab Update: 2nd Grade

 We've had a fun start to Idea Lab in 2nd Grade!  We created a LEGO Maze with legos and a marble for a fellow classmate to solve.  The maze had to have a start/finish, a successful path, and obstacles to maneuver.   See mazes in action below.

We also each designed a mini Lego Bot Prototype that is like ourselves and different than ourselves in many ways.  Students presented their Bots to the class explaining the similarities and differences as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the Bot.

Students have seemed excited and happy to return to Idea Lab this school year.  This is wonderful to see!   We have a change in our unit plans,
and we are going to take a pause from LEGOS for a bit to explore the continent of South America and project-based learning centered around the Amazon Rainforest.  

*We will begin our FIRST Lego League unit, SUPERPOWERED, during the 2nd quarter as our competition will take place in early February at Reed Elementary. 

To see our LEGO mazes in action, click here.  

We will continue to keep you updated on our learning in Idea Lab!  Stay tuned...