Second Grade

Students will engage in an interdisciplinary study of the art, culture, history, and people from various regions of the world. They will also continue to develop their social and cultural awareness.  Essential questions will guide our overall theme.  Students will also be presented with a performance task/assessment that will drive motivation and learning. 

Here are some examples of essential questions from one of our units that guided our lessons: Why is important to the global community to protect the rainforests? How do we balance the use of resources from the rainforest with the importance of maintaining biodiversity and a flourishing rainforest ecosystem? How can we protect natural habitats?

Here are a couple of examples of performance task/assessments from one of our units: 
  • Create an I-movie educating others about the effects of rainforest deforestation. Choose the most important ideas or problems that you would like to educate others about. 
  • Design an animal that can live in a hot, humid environment that gets rain every day.  Think about all of the tall trees, bushes, and other plant life.  Animals who live in this environment must have a way to survive in the heat and keep safe from predators.  When you design your animal, be sure to consider how they will eat, where they will be living, how they will they stay warm or cool, and how they will protect themselves.  Additionally, your animal must have at least one moving part.  Use creativity and imagination to give your animal amazing abilities! 

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