How does one learn the most about a topic? Teach others!
After learning about various architectural styles in history, students partnered up and chose an architectural style that they wanted to teach others about.

Then they needed to sketch a design and build a prototype of their style with the quintessential features.

The prototypes were a collaborative effort, and the students did an amazing job with the designs!

When it was time to teach the class about their particular architectural style, the students were ready!
They really understood the style and its features.
They really understood the style and its features.

Some students presented an oral quiz. Others used technology like Kahoot or Blooket for their class quiz.
We were very impressed with both the presentations and the architectural prototypes!
After our presentations, we moved on to understanding the inside of buildings, the floorplans. The students quickly reviewed area and perimeter and found the square footage of some rooms in a house.
After our presentations, we moved on to understanding the inside of buildings, the floorplans. The students quickly reviewed area and perimeter and found the square footage of some rooms in a house.

Exciting to be able to have this architecture unit going on at the same time that our new school is being built behind us!

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