Thursday, April 4, 2024

1st Grade Update: Green Schools Quest Project & Biodiversity Unit

Click HERE to see a video about our Avian Restoration project.

Presently students are learning about several other biomes and their biodiversity. They are creating 3D dioramas of a biome of their choice. After creating the biome, the students will create a character that will move in a stop-motion animation video. In this video, students will teach others about the characteristics of the biome they chose and include plants and animals that are found there. 
Stay tuned... to hear more about this project in the upcoming weeks ahead. 

2nd Grade Update: Cardboard Arcade Challenge

 Our Idea Lab second graders would like to share our Cardboard Arcade games with you.   

Please click HERE to view. 

We really enjoyed this hands-on engineering design unit! We were able to practice the engineering design process in a fun and practical way with our peers.